
What is Orthodontic?

Orthodontics is the science of dentistry that specifically examines the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of irregularities or disharmony of the teeth and face. Orthodontic treatment aims to straighten the teeth can use wire. It also aims to improve the health of the oral cavity, facial esthetics, speech function, and the arrangement of the teeth.


Why Need Orthodontic?

  1. Create and maintain the condition of your teeth and gums healthy

Teeth that are less neat will make it difficult for us to be able to clean areas of the teeth and gums with good. Dental plaque that sticks on the tooth surface and then mineralized by saliva also can develop into tartar, this can eventually damage the gums (gingivitis) and even damage the bone supporting the teeth, causing the teeth become loose (periodontitis).


By doing the orthodontic treatment, then crowding teeth will be neatly and teeth with spacing will be sealed so that it is obtained the arrangement of the teeth well and regularly and is expected to create the oral cavity healthy.


  1. Improve the function of the talk

Presence the conditions of malocclusion can cause a person difficulty pronouncing some letters or words. For example, in the case of open bites, where the front teeth can’t be fitting even though the back teeth are already in a state of biting. In this state a person will have difficulty pronouncing the sound ‘sibilant’ like “s”, “z”, and “ch”. In the case of the dental arch is narrow or is shaped like a triangle, the resonance of the sound produced also becomes less good.


  1. Prevent or treat disorders of the jaw joint temporomandibular

One of the causes of disorders of the jaw joint is interdigitasi teeth of the upper jaw against the lower jaw of the less good parts stand out (cusps) of the teeth do not meet perfectly to the part of the basin (fossa) tooth resulting disharmony of the bite condition at the time of the second jaw fitting. This condition can cause pain in the joints, noise in the joint (clicking or crepitation), difficulty in movement of open and close the mouth as well as disorders of the jaw joints.


When we can do Orthodontic Treatment

The first examination should be done at the time of the child aged between 7-10years. At this time, children are at the mixed dentition period /mix dentition so that the orthodontist can see if there are abnormalities of the bite (malocclusion) that is being developed.


What the type of Orthodontic Treatment

  1. Metal Braces

Metal Braces is the most common type and most often used. Using these braces is enough to accommodate dental treatment to be performed.


  1. Ceramic Braces

This type of braces that combines the maintenance functions and the function of aesthetic. With the use of transparent braces then braces treatment is relatively disguised so that the patient is not embarrassed to smile wide even when you’re using braces.


  1. MTM Lingual Braces

Lingual braces is one kind of braces permanent barely visible from the outside. This Braces is not visible due to the mounting braces is not on the surface of the teeth of the outer part, but mounted on the surface of the back of the teeth or on the inside.


  1. Invisalign

Invisalign is a system of smoothed teeth by using a tray that has been designed to be able to change the position of the teeth. Invisalign is not braces fixed appliance therefore the success of treatment also depends of the level of compliance of patients using this tool. Invisalign is a system of care that aesthetic as a tool that is used a colored clear so often not visible when the patient use it.